One Hundred Years of Puddin'
Visiting Creswick the other day and seeing all of the plaques to the Lindsay clan reminded me of this article I wrote for the Royal...

An Olympic Effort
This time Halls of Fame visits a hall in Essendon which started life as part of the Olympic Village in 1956 and is still serving the...

Inverleigh joins the Halls of Fame The Little Hall That Grew
Another wonderful article on the public halls of Victoria. Thanks this time to Liz McDonald for ensuring the history of these wonderful...

Halls of Fame visits South Gippsland
The second article in the Halls of Fame series has been published in the RHSV November edition of The History News. Thanks to Jillian...

Hector and the History News
Earlier this year I wrote an article on Hector for the History News for the RHSV. They kindly featured it as their cover story with a...

Halls of Fame - A new Series of Articles
I was thrilled that the Publications Committee of the RHSV took up my idea to publish a series of articles about Historical Halls around...

Always Delighted to Talk About HECTOR
Everyone who knows me knows that I am always delighted to talk about Hector (both the book and the person) and the contribution of his...
On Tuesday 21 March I have been invited by the Royal Historical Society of Victoria to talk about the role Hector Crawford and Crawford...
Never thought I would find myself in the Lawyers Weekly!
Thanks to the nomination for the Ashurst Prize I found myself in the Lawyers Weekly. Lucky it wasn't with a mug shot!...
HECTOR nominated for the Ashurst Business Literature Prize
I am humbled and delighted to announce that HECTOR has been shortlisted as one of four finalists in the Ashurst Business Literature...